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Education In Excellence

(1 User reviews)   267   109
By Regina Dent Posted on Feb 12, 2023
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Meagan Good GlobalStorm Publishing 2022
Education In Excellence is pretty darn good for a woman better trained at reading lines than writing them.
Award-winning actress Meagan Good has learned firsthand that some people must wait patiently for “the one” to come into their lives, and even then nothing is for certain. After separating from husband of nearly ten-years DeVon Franklin and ending what was called by some a storybook romance, Meagan was left home alone and restless from two years of quarantining during the pandemic, when she decided to try her hand at script writing, which turned into a book, titled EDUCATION IN EXCELLENCE, though about something else entirely. Having previously written nonfiction about starting a new relationship and avoiding potentially devastating pitfalls, ironically with her now ex-husband with whom she actually abstained from sex until they were married, EDUCATION IN EXCELLENCE is a deliciously short piece of erotica that was as surprising to her as it is the reader, about a newly single, sex-starved school teacher who is, ah, shown some things in the physical Ed department, shall we say.
Dolen Perkins-Valdez
2 years ago

OhmyGod!—the actress! I just read about this little book and had to get it. ChumCity is doing the thang with this original. Her writing is pretty simplistic but she's really a slut on the page:) great job, all

4 out of 5 (1 User reviews )

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