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The Conservative Charter In Times Of Crisis: From Reagan to Redd

(9 User reviews)   889   146
Willie Earl Scott GlobalStorm Publishing 2018
THE CONSERVATIVE CHARTER IN TIMES OF CRISIS: From Reagan to Redd is Willie Earl Scott's essay documenting his personal journey to conservativism while defining the very philosophy in modern times in the era of Trumpism and MAGA politics.
THE CONSERVATIVE CHARTER IN TIMES OF CRISIS is an essay answering the simple yet elusive question: What is a conservative Conservatism, at its core, is opposed to ideas that seek to level and shrink the broad and various questions of human existence into a few simplistic solutions. It is the political idealists, the social planners, who can narrow all of the questions of policy into a tidy grid. But true conservatives have always been broad thinkers. They have understood that different situations call for varied policies. Be that as it may, Scott gives us the basis of a conservative in less than 5,000 words.
Robert Pearlman
2 years ago

Admittedly I have grown frustrated over the past decade or so by hearing so many contradictory definitions, theories, ideologies, platforms, etc. of what conservatism is supposed to be about. I almost want to use the analogy of how challenging it would be to articulate Christianity without the Bible, but I think a better analogy is trying to argue who’s an actual scientist without the scientific method. This book, an article with an extravagant cover really, published by a most unexpected source of knowledge, is one conservative academic’s finest, most brief best attempts to identify the existence of intellectual conservatism. Self-taught and made sharper by the concrete and steel of institution, Willie Earl Scott is an extremely well-educated man, and a not-yet-fully-realized great contribution to society writ large

Danya Kukafka
2 years ago

This is one of the most important, delectable essays I have read this year. There are probably ten big books and volumes in the category right now, yet this manual stands out. Either I have extraordinary good fortune in the books I select, or I am too easily impressed. Hmm

Richelle Bornstein
2 years ago

I am no much for reading political philosophy, but I am very glad to have read this.

Madeline Brody
2 years ago

This is a monumental book. Willie Earl Scott with the weight of everything he has already accomplished and everything on his shoulders has done yeoman’s work in reading, analyzing, and distilling centuries of conservative thought in a single chapter, and he has compiled it in an bitesized, well-written, accessible style. My dad would approve 🤓

Melissa Robins
2 years ago

Even in political nonfiction Willie Scott writes with stunning clarity and deep historical, philosophical, and literary roots to compose in minute word count a broad picture of the meaning of conservatism. With an eye on the future and a hand in the past, Scott is very quickly and easily able to construct a premise for which students, professors, and the everyday working woman can identify

5 out of 5 (9 User reviews )

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